This book tells the story of Sergei Nikolayevich Kourdakov. Sergei was a former KGB agent and naval officer who from his late teen years carried out more than 150 raids in underground Christian communities in regions of the Soviet Union in the 1960s. At the age of twenty, he escaped to Canada while a naval officer on a Soviet trawler in the Pacific and converted to Evangelical Christianity. After nearly being sent back to Russia, where Sergei knew he would be brutally killed, he was finally allowed to stay in Canada. He received several warnings and told his friends not to believe rumors of suicide.
This book deals a lot with violence simply because its from the perspective of someone who was violent. It can be grafic at times.
This book teaches you not to be narrow minded and to never give up hope that God can save even the most brutal and violent people. It helps you to learn compassion for those who it seems there is no reason to be compassionate towards.
I rarely cry, especially not for books, but this book made me cry, hard. I cannot recommend a more powerful, more eye-opening true story. I give this book five stars.
I would recommend this book for a mature 17 and older.
I can't exactly say I enjoyed it, but I can say it is an excellent book because of what it teaches. It's one of those when you close the cover you think, "Wow." Sad but happy, good but bad.